The White Mouse
Author: Peter Gouldthorpe
Illustrator: Peter Gouldthorpe
Publisher: Omnibus Books
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The Gestapo called her The White Mouse and they wanted her, dead or alive. Nancy Wake was an Australian who joined the French Resistance during World War II and became the most wanted woman in France. Parachuting behind enemy lines, blowing up bridges and smuggling refugees across borders, Nancy fought fiercely against the enemy and became the most decorated Australian woman in any war.
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Something positive that Peter encountered while researching The White Mouse:
Getting illustrator’s Block. People imagine that it must
be easier to illustrate your own words but when it came to making the finished
pictures I got really stuck. Luckily for me the publisher had a patient and
talented designer, Patricia Howes who talked me through it.
Something positive that Peter encountered while researching The White Mouse:
The selflessness that people some people show in the face
of in war. That the men and women who volunteered for the Special Operations
Executive could display so much courage by heading back behind enemy lines
after reaching safety and freedom. Torture for information and a slow death was
inevitable for those who were caught. We don’t know how many swallowed the
cyanide pills they were issued with but we do know that about a third of them
Something tragic that Peter encountered while researching The White Mouse:
“The only good German is a dead German.” I include this
in my display. I found it very sad that Nancy could still feel that way fifty
plus years after the war. Especially as I have been to Germany and seen that in
all of their war museums there is no avoidance of the shameful truth about what
happened before and during World War 2.
Whilst Google-ing images pertaining to Nancy’s story, the
photos that upset me the most were of French villagers taunting women who had
been friendly with the occupying German soldiers. I can well imagine the
villagers anger but my heart still went out to those terrified, shaved-headed
Another image that still haunts was of a German soldier
shouting into the face of a boy soldier who is crying and huddled in absolute
Something interesting Peter discovered while writing and illustrating The White Mouse:
Peter Gouldthorpe Bibliography:
Jonah and the Manly Ferry
Peter Gouldthorpe, Methuen, 1983.
Don’t Get Burnt! –
Jack Bedson, Collins, 1985.
Walking to School –
Ethel Turner, Collins, 1988.
Sheepdogs –
Jack Bedson, Walter McVitty Books,1990. Japanese edition 1991. Picture Puffin
edition 1995.
Hist! -
C.J. Dennis, Walter McVitty
Books,1991,2. Children’s Book Council of Australia, Honour Book 1992.
Picture Puffin edition 1995. Republished as a Walker Classic 2012.
Grandad’s Gifts - Paul Jennings, Rigby Heinemann-1991, Viking-1992, Picture Puffin-1994, Children’s Book Council
of Australia, Shortlisted Book 1993 (Viking edition ).Reprinted 1993,97
First Light - Gary Crew, Lothian Books,
1993/4.Winner, Children’s Book Council
of Australia, Picture Book of the Year
1994. U.S.Edition, Gareth Stevens Publishing,1996. I.B.B.Y. Book 1995.
The Wonder Thing - Libby Hathorn, Viking, 1995. U.S.
edition, Houghton & Mifflin,1995.
Children’s Book Council of Austrralia, Notable Book 1996
The Lost Diamonds of Killiecrankie
- Gary Crew, Lothian Books, 1995. Children’s Book Council of Australia, Notable
Book 1996. Reprinted 1996,2009.
Norton’s Hut
- John Marsden, Lothian Books, 1998. Reprinted 1998. Children’s Book
Council of Australia, Notable Book 1999.
Pannikin & Pinta - Colin Thiele, Lothian Books, 2000.
Children’s Book Council of Australia - Shortlisted Young Readers category 2001.
Reprinted several times
– Corinne Fenton, Black Dog Books, 2006. Reprinted 2006. Honour Book,
Information Category – Children’s Book Council of Australia 2007. Published Candlewick Press U.S.A. 2013.
The Dog on the
Tuckerbox – Corinne Fenton, Black Dog Books, 2008. Children’s
Book Council of Ausralia - Notable Book. Reprinted 2008
No Return ; Captain
Scott’s Race to the Pole – Peter Gouldthorpe, Lothian Books,
2011. Children’s Book Council of Ausralia - Notable Book
Lyrebird –
Jackie Kerrin, Museum Victoria, 2012. Children’s Book Council of Australia –
Honour Book 2013
Ice, Wind, Rock ; Mawson
in the Antarctic – Peter Gouldthorpe, Lothian Books,
2013, Children’s Book Council of Australia - Honour Book 2014
The White Mouse ; The
Story of Nancy Wake – Peter Gouldthorpe, Omnibus, 2015,
Children’s Book Council of Australia – Short-listed book 2016.
Our Dog Knows Words
– Peter Gouldthorpe illustrated by Lucy Gouldthorpe, Lothian Books, 2015.
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